Job Title: iOS Developer

We are looking for a geeky and passionate iOS developer to design, build and maintain the next generation of iOS application.

Experience- 2 years

Following are some of the traits that we are looking for:
  • Proficient in swift, Restful APIs, Source Control, cocoa-pods, Swift package manager, MVC and MVVM, Full iOS app publishing process from setting up , beta testing , submitting and publishing, Push Notification.
  • Experience working with iOSframeworks such as Core Data, Core Animation, Core Graphics and Core Text, Core Location.
  • Experience with third party libraries and APIs like Alamofire.
  • Sharp knowledge of the general mobile orientation, architecture, trends and emerging technologies.
  • Solid understanding of the full mobile application development life cycle.
  • foster knowledge of OOPS.
  • Deep Hands on SwiftUI and objective c would be plus
  • Effective communication skills (Verbal & written).
Why work with us:
  • A friendly & healthy work environment.
  • Highly experienced team to work with & learn from.
  • A steep knowledge curve & quick growth opportunity.
  • Flexible timings available.
Apply to work with us

Apply below or email your CV